Monday, October 31, 2005

An Autumn Scene

Some forest ponies graze by the stream. It was much cooler today as we walked. A reminder that this is the last day of October. We saw plenty of deer again and we enjoyed walking in the woods. Tonight is Halloween and a steady stream of little witches and ghosts have been knocking on the door. The heavy rain of early evening has gone and I guess there will not be too many left over treats.
The dogs willl take a long time to settle with so many knocks on the door and sounds of fireworks. Posted by Picasa


sonia a. mascaro said...

Beautiful photo! The forest ponies are wild ponies? Did they live loose?

Anonymous said...

this photgraph would look great in a pony calendar :)

Mary said...

The Forest ponies belong to the commoners but they live in a semi wild state in the forest.In the autumn they are rounded up given a health check and branded before being let loose again.Pony sales are held several times a year, but other than that the ponies roam the forest.

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