Saturday, October 06, 2007

Flicka Goes to Longleat

Today we took Flicka to Longleat. First we went to the safari park and had some really close encounters with Lions and tigers. We did close the windows before driving through! Flicka did not want to be a tasty snack.
Then it was time for us to have a snack!

Next we tackled the maze. Flicka was able to peek over the hedges and give us directions, but it still took us a while to get out!

We had a ride on the train and we also had a boat ride.

In the Mirror Maze Flicka admired her reflection.
There is a lot to do at Longleat, we also went in the butterfly garden, Joe,s mine which had fruit bats flying about and then we spent some time in pets corner.


Anonymous said...

you guys are crazy *lol* - also i learned that in a maze you hold you left hand on the wall and never take it off an you will find your way out. I wonder if this is true?

The Quacks of Life said...

uhm is hubby jealous of flicker?

never been to the safari park. have been around the house though

Mary said...

Laughing at Pete......he quite likes Flicka!