Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Autumn Walk at Pigbush

The dogs Pose in the Autumn sunshine, but they would much rather be racing around.

This Pony was standing under the tree, watching the leaves float down

There is a golden carpet of leaves on the forest floor
The ponies all seemed to be enjoying the autumn sunshine. They are making the most of it There may be no sun tomorrow.

This is one of this years foals , he is getting his winter coat.


Anonymous said...

are the leaves crunchy to walk on - i love walking on the crunchy autumn leaves :)

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of the three buddies! Good friends are what life is about!

Mary said...

yes its like walking through a big bowl of cornflakes!

AndyG said...

Ah, Pig Bush. For years I thought it was called Big Push... One of my favourite places in the Forest.