Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dragonflies and Damselflies

Keeled Skimmer
Large Red
Broad bodied Chaser
broad bodied chaser

Common Blue

Dragonflies and Damselflys are beautiful and I love to see them flying over the ponds in the forest.


Jan said...

Nice captures Mary. Still looking at your blog when time permits, struggling to keep up with my own though. Summer not too good again so far is it? :o(

The Quacks of Life said...

they are cool aren't they,

weather been nice here this week!!

Anonymous said...

All creatures, great and small.....

Kathryn and Ari said...

Aren't they just wonderful? We have a dragonfly census count here in Maine; I participated a few years ago and have wanted to try again. Maybe next year.

Anonymous said...

Looks as if you have a passion for dragonflies as well, Mary :-)
Thanks for including all their names - I must get a book....(the story of my life)
Lovely photographs - thank you.