broad Bodied chaser
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Gardens of St Cross
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
St Cross Hospital Winchester
Set in open meadow land to the south of
The Hospital, which is England's oldest continuing almshouse, comprises a group of grade I listed medieval and Tudor buildings, including a medieval hall and tower, Tudor cloister, Norman church and gardens reflecting a seventeenth century connection with North America. The term "Hospital", in this context, has the same origin as "hospitality" and for over 850 years St Cross has provided food and shelter to people in need. It has been home to the Master and Brethren of St Cross since medieval times and today visitors can still receive the Wayfarer's Dole (a small beaker of beer and a morsel of bread).
The octagonal chimneys mark the Brethren´s lodgings, built about 1445 by Cardinal Beaufort. On the East side of the Chapel may be seen a graveyard wherein are interred the remains of various Masters and Brethren. Apart from providing for the Brethren, Almsgiving is still practised in the form of the `Wayfarers Dole´. A piece of white bread and a cup of good beer or Ale may be obtained by knocking at the door of the Porters Lodge, and requesting the Dole.
The Chapel was started in the 1160´s and retains much of its late Norman purity, despite being somewhat altered in the 14th and early 15th centuries. The number of Brethren was enlarged in the 15th century by Cardinal Beaufort, who provided for a second order of almsmen, the `Noble Order of Poverty´. Brethren of this order wear magenta gowns.
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Hawk Conservancy Trust
On Monday we Visited the Hawk Conservancy Trust. It is a great day out with plenty to see. The day starts with the feeding of the Vultures. There are three different flying displays, that last about 40 minutes. They are so well organized and you are never sure which direction the birds are coming from.At times there are 8 birds in the air at the same time.Although it is difficult to get good photographs because they fly past so fast and so close to you it is wonderful to see these birds flying high. At one point they release two Eagles in the next Valley, over a mile away and you gradually see them flying towards you. The day ends when they feed the wild herons, sometimes getting as many as 30 in the meadow.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Poor Little Cygnet.
Yesterday we stopped by Hatchetts Pond on our way home from walking the dogs. The Swan family was way over the other side of the pond, but the sun had come out and it was drying our wet clothes , so we decided to have an Ice cream. We were just about to leave when we noticed a solitary cygnet at the back of the carpark.He looked very forlorn , but we persuaded him to go back down to the pond thinking he had just got separated from the family. The Cob who had been ignoring the people who were feeding the gulls (This was very unusual as he is very greedy) steamed across the pond , feathers puffed up intent on attacking the little cygnet. The little cygnet fled across the carpark and hid. Some holiday makers told us that they had been at the pond two days ago when they saw the cob trying to drown one of the cygnets. The cygnet did not seem sick or injured just very frightened. We tried ringing the Forestry Commission to speak to a keeper , but when they seemed disinterested and unable to give us the number of Swan Rescue we decided to get it ourselves. A quick phone call to Karens Husband and we had the number.They said they would send some one out.meanwhile the poor little cygnet was being worried by some dogs, someone picked the cygnet up and another person had a box so we were able to keep him safe. Eventually a Forestry Commission Keeper arrived , having been alerted by Swan rescue and took the cygnet away.
Today I rang Swan Rescue and was told that they had the cygnet, there appears to be nothing wrong with it and in the Autumn when it can fly they will release it at Christchurch. Until then it is being kept with several other rescued cygnets and will be looked after.
If you remember back in May I told you there was another Swan family at the other end of the lake with three cygnets and Swan rescue told me that the cygnets had been killed by this same cob and they had to relocate the Parents. Sadly this is normal behaviour for Swans when a pair invades anothers territory, however swans are normally good parents and they do not know why this cob should now attack its own cygnet. Yesterday there were only 5 cygnets with the parents so another one is missing, because there were 7. Swan rescue are keeping an eye on the situation anyway because they had to remove a fishing hook from the Pens foot about a week ago.