Monday, October 17, 2005

A pottery lesson!

This morning I went to Gill's house for a pottery lesson. Gill has been making all sorts of things for several years now and you can see some of her work on the ledges behind us in the pictures. I will have to take some pictures next time I visit so you can see them more clearly.
I am not very artistic and I was not sure how I would get on but with quite a bit of help by the end of the morning I had a small pot, that I am very proud of.
Despite constantly wetting the clay it is really very dry to the touch and not at all slippery.You need a fair amount of pressure to pull the clay up and it is not as easy as the experts make it look. Anyway I enjoyed it and although the end result was far from perfect I thought it was a good attempt and I had a lot of fun doing it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved taking part in your pottery lesson Mary :-) And also loved watching the lovely forest photos.