Friday, November 18, 2005

Its Brrrrrrrrr in the forest this morning!

A new Forest Pony has found some sun and is warming up after a cold frosty night.There are a lot of cars in the carpark this morning as people enjoy the sun. Apart from my fingers and toes I feel warm as I walk the dogs. First we meet Jean and Daisy as they go back to the car and then a little later on we see Spud and Toffee the Springer Spaniels. There is a lot of frost on the ground and the puddles have iced over, but the sun is melting it. The trees still have a lot of leaves on but after this frost they will probably finally drop. Winter is finally here!
(Hopefully hello will be working again tomorrow) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

sonia a. mascaro said...

Thanks Mary for taking the time to looking and for your nice comment!
I love hawks also and I will introduce them on my next post.
Have a nice Sunday!