Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sunset at Canadian Cross

We were late walking this afternoon and by the time we were coming up the hill from the river the sun was setting. The clouds were changing and because we were coming up the hill then going along the flat and finally looking down over the Valley we saw some interesting lighting effects. By the time we drove home the moon had risen and was peeping in and out of the clouds.

1 comment:

sonia a. mascaro said...

Hi Mary, thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving your comment today!
Maybe they will nest near my properties .... I hope so!
I quote this about Ibis's nesting:
"Nesting is colonial in ibises, more often in small groups or singly in spoonbills, nearly always in trees overhanging water, but sometimes on islands or small islands in swamps. Generally, the female builds a large structure out of reeds and sticks brought by the male. Typical clutch size is 2 to 5; hatching is asynchronic. Both sexes incubate in shifts, and after hatching feed the young by partial regurgitation. Two or three weeks after hatching, the young no longer need to be brooded continuously and may leave the nest, often forming creches but returning to be fed by the parents."
Have a nice week!