Sunday, April 02, 2006

April Showers.

A Blustery showery day, with sunny spells. We walked at Ocknell Pond this afternoon. This is one of the carparks that the forestry commission have decided to close from Oct-Mar, supposedly to allow them to maintain them. Well they haven't done any maintenance on this one! The track is full of deep potholes. The Pond is a shallow dew pond and is usualy dry in summer. Today it was full and the whole area was awash with puddles.. Just before we go back to the car it started to rain and just as I put the camera away a small herd of deer ran across in front of us. By the time we got back to the car the shower was nearly over and we saw a rainbow in the sky. However the shower followed us home and then it tipped with rain so no more work in the garden today.
We are remodelling the garden this spring and photos will appear soon.

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