Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Down by the Lily pond.

I only took a couple of photos today as I was late for our walk. Three tractors pulling wide loads of bracken were on the little roads and they were crawling along! It can be very difficult to find places to overtake on narrow twisty roads. This elderly mare looks very thin but her foal looked healthy they were standing by the lily pond. The lilies were beautiful. Posted by Picasa


Terri said...

Mary and John, I enjoy your walks so much. I bet it keeps everyone so young. Do you ever pack a picnic lunch?

Anonymous said...

Was it a warm day? was the breeze warm? - ahhhh im so missing the warmth of summer today :-(
The lilies are very pretty.

Anonymous said...

I love water lilies. We saw some beautiful ones in Prague Botanical Garden on Sunday.