Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Fun at the Lake.

It has been the hottest day of the year today. The temperatue in the shade in our garden reached101F . When we went up to Andrews Mare this evening, a couple of young girls were having a lot of fun. Even at 8pm the temp was still up in the 80s.

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sonia a. mascaro said...

Sounds that all had a great time!
Beautiful place, Mary!

Mary said...

A little cooling breeze would be refreshing , Unfortunately we are told to expect thunderstorms and high humidity!!

Pam in Tucson said...

That's an amazingly high temperature, Mary. I had no idea UK temps. could soar that high. I used to suffer when it was in the 80s. We, of course, are happy these days if the temp stays below 101. Our highest last week was 116. Lovely photos. I love to visualise your walks with the dogs. You encounter such wonderful surprises.