Wednesday, August 16, 2006

An early morning walk at Pigbush

We met karen and Taivas for a walk this morning. The hazy sunshine was breaking through the clouds. We drove to Pigbush and had a beautiful peaceful walk. We started by walking up the little rise and then following the path down to the causeway. A buzzard was flying overhead.The ground is very marshy here and there is a walkway across the bog. A plant of the Myrtle family called pig bush grows in abundance here . The pigs find its pungent smell very attractive. We put the dogs on leads here as the boggy water is very smelly. Once across the bog we walked towards the railway and into the enclosure. Ahead of us on the path we saw a small group of fallow deer on the path but they were too far away to take photos. A little further on and the dogs spotted them but soon came back when we whistled. At the point where we were furthest away from the roads it was very quiet and we spent some time photographing the ponies. Two little foals were very inquisitive and came right up to us . They were very interested in Taivas's lead and sniffed both the lead and Karen before the Mares decided we had been there long enough and saw us off. Walking along a pleasant green ride Missy found some knickers which then joined us for the rest of the walk. When we got to the little bridge over the stream the dogs decided to wash the knickers before having one last run in the heather and then we were back to the carpark, losing the knickers just before we got in the car.
Shortly after I arrived home we had a heavy shower but now the sun is back out again.

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