Friday, September 29, 2006

Rain Rain Rain

It was very wet on our early morning walk with Karen and Taivas at Fritham this morning. It was drizzling when we left the car at 8am but with i a few minutes the rain got much heavier and we were soon soaked! There was no one else around and so Missy, who is in season was able to play off lead for a little bit. We walked pass some deer sheltering in the trees and neither dog noticed. We were very close but it was raining so heavily we were unable to get a photo. Later as we walked through the woods a large herd with several big stags ran across the path but this time they were too far away for photos. Soon the Deer will start the rut and we will hear their barking as we walk. At times the rain did ease and we were able to get a few photos. We were very wet when we got back to the car but we had enjoyed our walk, it was time to go home and get a shower before changing into dry clothes. For a short while the sun shone but now it is raining again.


sonia a. mascaro said...

Thanks so much Mary for your kind words and congratulations for my First Blog Anniversary! I always love your visiting and nice comments! I also enjoyed so much your blog and great photos!

Anonymous said...

lovely pics today , glad to hear you had some much needed rain :)