The weather has continued to be mostly wet and overnight a big storm blew in.This morning it was very wet and windy, but also very warm. At lunch time the rain stopped and we went for a walk this afternoon at Longdown. The sun tried to shine and despite the strong gusts of wind it was a pleasant walk. Tomorrw should be less windy.

I have forgotten the breed of the black doggies - is it a flat coated retriever???We are looking into getting one of these.
you should have titled it Windy Walks *lol* - we had rain all last night & today *yah* hopefully the lawns will start to grow back & my plants get the well deserved soaking they need :)
Yes Missy and Raffles are Flatcoated retrievers.
Thanks Mary - I was pretty sure that the beautiful Missy and Raffles were Flatcoats - there are not many here in B.C. I will let you know when we get a puppy. We had a Lab and a Golden Retriever.
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