Another beautiful day in the forest.We walked from Bratley View. it was a little windy in the carpark but once we got down in the valley we were sheltered and warmed by the sun. We decided to follow the little stream and we were able to walk all the way along it, occasionally swopping banks to avoid the boggy areas. it was a day for seeing the deer, at one point two little roe deer jumped across the stream in front of us and then shortly afterwards we disturbed a large herd of Fallow deer. As we came back up the hill annother herd of fallow deer shot out and circled round. We found lots of primroses on the banks of the stream although many were still in bud.We saw plenty of ponies , but no foals today, however it won't be long now before more are born and there will be plenty to see.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Spring is here
Another beautiful day in the forest.We walked from Bratley View. it was a little windy in the carpark but once we got down in the valley we were sheltered and warmed by the sun. We decided to follow the little stream and we were able to walk all the way along it, occasionally swopping banks to avoid the boggy areas. it was a day for seeing the deer, at one point two little roe deer jumped across the stream in front of us and then shortly afterwards we disturbed a large herd of Fallow deer. As we came back up the hill annother herd of fallow deer shot out and circled round. We found lots of primroses on the banks of the stream although many were still in bud.We saw plenty of ponies , but no foals today, however it won't be long now before more are born and there will be plenty to see.
Primroses on the banks of Bratley water.
Bratley View,
Fallow Deer,
New Forest Ponies,
Scots Pine
Friday, March 30, 2007
Happy Birthday Taivas
Today Taivas is 2!
We went To Cadmans pond to start our walk today. It was much colder than it has been, although the sun did try and come out, but now it is raining. As we were walking down by the stream we saw the first foal on Ragged Boys Hill. We quickly put the dogs on the lead and got close enough to take some photos with the telephoto lens. We did not want to disturb it and soon we continued on our walk going up to Fritham Plain before returning to the car. We put the dogs in the car and then went to see the geese on the pond. Someone was feeding them bread and the Golden Carp in the pond were coming to the surface to snatch the bread. I knew there were fish in the pond but had never managed to photograph one before.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
An Evening Stroll
On the way home we stopped off at Cadmans Pond to catch the last of the sunset. The geese were loudly honking as they circled the pond, deciding where to spend the night.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Enjoying the Spring Sunshine
This morning was a perfect Spring morning. warm sunshine and just the slightest of breezes.We drove down to the High Corner Inn. This is a 17Century Inn, the only way to get there is to drive about 3/4 mile down a gravel track. the setting is beautiful and it is a good place to start a walk. We decided to stroll along the banks of Dockens Water and look for primroses. It took a while but eventually we spotted some. It was such a lovely day we continued to stroll along the water, whilst the dogs had fun splashing in and out. Once we saw a Roe deer hoping off in the distance. All around the birds were singing and we saw the Yellow brimstone butterflies flitting about, but never staying still for a photo. Eventually we left the stream and strolled back through the woods. We saw the young bluebell shoots were pushing through the ground, but it is still a little early for many of our spring flowers.
Monday, March 26, 2007
The garden is coming to life.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
British Summer Time Starts Today!
First day of British Summer Time
It was the First day of British Summer Time today, but no one told the sun and he was very late getting up! it was very Misty when we walked at Fritham this morning and it did not feel like summer! But at least now it will be light until 7.30 tnight and soon we will be able to take the dogs for forest walks when John gets home from work. Hope you all remembered to put the clocks forward an hour!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
A Dull Overcast Saturday
Today has been dull and Overcast, with a bittely cold wind. This morning we walked at Mogshade Hill. When we got to the pond we met a small herd of cows who watched us intently, they obviously thought we were up to no good.
This afternoon we walked at Pigbush, it was even duller than this morning. It was very quiet and very few people were out. A few Ponies were around but still no foals.
Friday, March 23, 2007
A walk at Ocknell Pond
It was very dull and drizzly , first thng this morning but as we started walking the Sun came out and the skies cleared. Apart from a very cold wind, it was pleasnt walking. Ocknell pond is very shallow and soon dries up in the summer. This morning the levels were very low and it was not much more than a big puddle . Some ponies were eating the pond weed and having a good feast. Although we saw a lot of ponies , we have yet to see the first foal of spring.
Missy found another big bone and carried it for a while but when her ball came out of my pocket she lost interest in the bone, prefering to play with her ball.
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