This morning we walked at Ocknell, It was a little cooler than of late and once again it was threatening rain, but it stayed dry. During the walk we spotted several small groups of deer. The bucks are growing their antlers and we could see the velvet covering the new growth.I could stand and watch the deer for hours.
On the way back to the car I spotted some Scarlet Pimpernel in the grass. These are tiny little flowers but so brightly coloured.
lovely little flower - very pretty colour, i cant believe the deer let you get so close, are they use to people in the forest? I spook the cows even when i go inside my front gate, they dont let me get very close when im trying to get a pic of them, but i think they are starting to get use to seeing us daily and now they stand an stare at us when we are outside, its quite funny to see :)
I have a 15 times zoom on my little camera so I can zoom in on the deer.
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