After3 full days in Vancouver it was time to hit the road in our RV. re arrived at the RV pick up site at our appointed time of 11 am. it was chaos they seem to have told every one to arrive at the same time and there must have been at least 20 groups waiting to collect and get on the road. they rushed us through all the checks and having briefly pinted out the main points, including how to operate the generator and pushed us out, Fortunately I noticed they had only provided two sleeping bags for three people before we left.

Our ffirst stop was the nearest shopping centre , where we had a bite to eat and stockd up with provisions. Tim Hortons is a Canadian Coffee chain and much better than Starbucks . They make wonderful donuts! We had a brief wait here whilst some of Matties lggage which had got left behind in the chaos caught up with us.

We had a brief stop at Hope for a coffee before driving on to find a campsite for the night.

212Km from Vancouver we stopped at Manning Provincial Park campsite. There was no ban on campfires so we soon had a fire going. We had a full moon and we could hear the coyotes in the distance. It was also fairly cold and we were soon to discover that our RV had some problems with its heating. The sleeping bags were very thin and the blankets were missing. We were tired so we did not attempt to start the generator (Just as well as we later discovered it was missing as was the user guide manual)
(Our Canadaian Holiday posts start on Aug 24th so scroll down if you want to see them)
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