Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Its Fungi Time Again

Amanita muscaria or Fly Agaric The Striking red cap with white spots is the classic toadstool of childrens story books. It is extremely toxic if eaten. Fly Agaric contains the toxin muscimol which can cause hallucinations. it also contains other toxins which cause a variety of unpleasant symptons and can be fatal. it is said that pieces of this fungi placed in milk will attract and kill flies.

Amanita phalloides or Death Cap and is another extremely poisonous mushroom. it can easily be confused with edible species and it is the ring on the stalk that one should watch out for, 50grams of this fungi can be fatal for a human .

1 comment:

Mo said...

You beat me too it :-) I was just looking out for fungi to photograph today but couldn't find any. The fly agaric is a beautiful photo.