Well the sun is still shining, so we went back to Eyeworth . We took some food but there was already lots in the car park..seed and fat balls.. We saw two male Mandarins and a female. Nuthatches, bluetits ,marshtits, great tits, robins and chaffinches. It was really warm sitting in the sun.
But the big thrill of the afternoon was to finally see some Hawfinches high up in the trees.
Hawfinches are our biggest finches, but they are very shy. Apparently there big bills can exert a pressure equivalent to 150pounds/per square inch and they use them to crack open the stones of fruit such as cherries, damsons and sloes.
those little mesh bags are great for seed arnt they, i strung a few up on my fence for the native birds in our farming area the other day.
Mary do you have a book on these bird varieties or are there signs around telling you what they are. :)
Wow, nice one Mary, never seen a Hawfinch. Probably never will here either.
I have a book or two of british birds Val. No signs to identify them. Most of the ones we see are fairly common. I get Blue tits and great tits in my garden every day!
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