Sunday, April 06, 2008

I Woke Up This Morning

This morning at 7.30 it was snowing! We had to rush out and play! The ponies had a bit of a shock.
We so rarely get snow in the Forest so it was a real treat.
Missy has never seen this much snow and she loved it. raffles enjoyed it too!
Sadly by lunch time it had gone, but it has just started again.....
Who knows what tomorrow will bring!


sonia a. mascaro said...

How are you, Mary! Just dropping by to say Hello and wish to you a nice week ahead.

Anonymous said...

missy you look so happy, you need a little scarf ;)
keep warm!

Jan said...

The photo of the tree covered in snow is beautiful.

Woke up to more snow here this morning too, but all gone now.

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

Oh my goodness! It's unusual, but we've not seen snow here in over a month now, so your pictures surprised me! They're really beautiful. The first picture with the horses and the snow blowing sideways is dramatic. The rest of the pictures are wonderful, too, Mary. The scenery is gorgeous. Those trees!