Sunday, July 08, 2007

Someone left a baby on my doorstep

We were taking the dogs for a walk this afternoon and nearly trod on this cute little baby hedgehog as we walked out the door!


The Quacks of Life said...


he shouldn't be about this early in the day. what have you done with him?

Mary said...

Half an hour later he had disappeared hopefully Mummy hedge hog too him home.

Jan said...

Mary if you see him again, can you take him to a carer in your area, cos he don't look well to me. His eyes are crusty and closed and his nose is dry (should be shiny and moist like a dogs) Any hog seen out in daylight has something wrong with it generally speaking. Hope he makes it.

Mary said...

I have been out and had a good look but I can't see any sign of him this morning , but I will keep an eye out for him. I just thought he was a baby and that it was best to leave him for mum to find. I will know another time if I see a hedgehog in the day to get him checked.