Thursday, May 08, 2008

Pond Update

After our walk this morning we drove along to Hatchetts pond and got our first sighting of the swan family. Mr and Mrs Swan have seven little cygnets. Whilst we were watching them we saw something flapping around in the water and the parent swans hissing and trying to catch something. I wonder if a big pike was after the little ones.
It was such a beautiful day this afternoon we went to Eyeworth pond no little mandarins yet but there was a small family of ducklings. We couldn't tempt any birds down with our seed so we moved on to Cadmans Pond and found Mr and Mrs Canada Goose had five little goslings. There were also several duck families.


Anonymous said...

really great pics Mary - glad you're finally back to blogging i was wondering what youd been up too lately ;)

yes my muggle self will be away for a while from our site but it wont be for too long - maybe ;)

i love that little duck!

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

Oh, how sweet! I didn't realize you have Canada Geese there, too. I watched some babies at a pond near my house this weekend. They're just too cute for words.